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Avoid These 7 Common Mistakes That Kill Website Credibility

Picture this: You walk into a store. Everything’s a mess. The staff are rude. Would you stay? Probably not. Your website is the same. In a blink, visitors judge your site and decide if they’ll stick around.

This instantaneous judgment often arises from subtle mistakes that chip away at your website’s credibility.

Today, we’re going to highlight these mistakes, ensuring you know exactly how to spot and sidestep them. Ready to ensure your visitors stick around? Let’s dive in!

1. Navigating the World of Web Design 🎨

Think of your website as your online home. Would you invite guests over if your living room was a mess? Probably not.

Dr. Brent Coker’s findings suggest that when websites look good, visitors tend to trust them more. Just like that shirt you wear to impress, your website design speaks volumes.

Watch Out for These Design No-Nos:

Overhyping: Imagine someone bragging without any stories to back it up. If you’re making claims, back them up with facts.

Blinking Banners: Think disco lights at a library. Out of place and really, really outdated.

Color Clashes: Ever seen someone wearing stripes with polka dots? Jarring right? That’s what mismatched colors do on your site.

Auto-Playing Videos: They’re like that person who talks non-stop at a party. Give visitors the choice to play them.

Pop-Ups Galore: One word: annoying.

2. Harnessing the Power of Social Proof 🗣️

Remember the last time you tried a restaurant because your friend wouldn’t stop raving about it? That’s social proof in action!

McDonald’s Knows What’s Up

Their sign isn’t bragging about the quality of their fries. Instead, they showcase the billions they’ve served. That massive number? It’s a huge trust factor.
Boost Your Social Resume:

Client List: It’s like namedropping at a party, but classier.

Testimonials: Remember that book you read because someone recommended it? That’s the power of testimonials.

Reviews: Good service leads to happy customers. Happy customers leave raving reviews.

Flaunting Numbers: If you’ve catered to a sizable number, why not show it off?

3. The Online Security Guard 🔒

The internet can be a shady place. And when shopping online, people want to feel safe.

Trust Symbols Are Like Digital Bouncers:

Show visitors that their data is safe with you. Badges like SSL encryption or Verisign Seal are like the reassuring nod from a security guard.

E-Commerce Essentials:

Clarity is key. If someone buys from you, they want to know the return drill. Lay it out, step by step.

4. Words Matter – No Typos Allowed 📝

Ever sent a text with a glaring typo? A tad embarrassing, right? Now imagine that on a grand scale – your website.

Why Proper Grammar Isn’t Just for Teachers:

A shocking 42.5% of web users will doubt your credibility due to spelling or grammar issues. It’s like showing up to a meeting with spinach in your teeth. It distracts from your message.

5. Say No to Vague Talk 🌫️

Vague words are like cotton candy. Fluffy and lacking substance.

Numbers Don’t Lie:

Rather than saying “we’re top-notch,” quantify it. For instance, “boosted client results by 93%” sounds specific and trustworthy.

6. A Peek Behind the Curtain 📸

Ever wondered who’s behind your favorite brands?

People Connect with People:

Displaying real photos of your team adds a personal touch. It’s like revealing the chef behind a delicious meal.

Stay Accessible: Remember the frustration of not finding a store’s contact number? Don’t be that store.

7. A Smooth Online Journey 🛠️

Remember getting lost in a maze? A site with technical issues feels the same.

Functionality is Key:

Links that lead to nowhere? It’s like inviting someone over and then slamming the door in their face. Regularly check and fix any website glitches.


So there you have it! A detailed map to ensure your website isn’t just a pretty face but a beacon of trustworthiness. 

Creating a credible website is like building a relationship. It takes effort, consistency, and authenticity. Remember, in the online world, trust is currency. Invest in it wisely.