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5 Mistakes you should avoid on your landing page

Don’t Let Your Landing Page Fail the Q&A Test!

Imagine this: you’re scrolling through ads online, and you see one that catches your eye.

It promises something you’ve been wanting, like a free trial for a new streaming service or a discount on that trendy jacket you’ve been eyeing. 

Excited, you click the ad, only to be met by a confusing landing page that leaves you with more questions than answers.

Here’s the problem: failing to address common questions and concerns on your landing page is a conversion killer. 

It leaves potential customers feeling anxious, unsure, and ultimately, less likely to take that desired next step.

But fear not! By avoiding these simple mistakes, you can ensure your landing page passes the Q&A test with flying colors:

1. Not Having a Clear FAQ Section:

A well-organized FAQ section is your best friend when it comes to addressing common questions.

Think of it as a mini-conversation with your potential customers, where you anticipate their concerns and provide clear, concise answers.

How many questions should you include? 

A good rule of thumb is to identify the top 5-10 questions you receive during customer interactions (e.g., email, social media) and address them directly.

Don’t bury the FAQ section! Make it easily accessible, preferably above the fold or with a prominent link.

2. Speaking a Language Only You Understand:

Ever read a landing page filled with industry jargon and technical terms that made you feel like you were reading a textbook? Yeah, not exactly a conversion-friendly experience.

Use plain language. Remember, your goal is to communicate with everyone, not just a select group of experts.

Explain technical concepts in simple terms. Use analogies, examples, and visuals to break down complex information into bite-sized pieces.

3. Ignoring the Power of Social Proof:

We all want reassurance. That’s why including testimonials, case studies, and other forms of social proof on your landing page is so important.

Showcasing real customer experiences builds trust and credibility, demonstrating the value your product or service offers.

Use authentic quotes and visuals to add a personal touch and connect with potential customers on an emotional level.

4. Not Addressing Security Concerns:

Especially when dealing with sensitive information like credit cards or personal details, visitors need to feel secure.

Clearly display trust badges and security certificates. This shows you take data protection seriously and instills confidence in potential customers.

Provide clear information about your privacy policy and data protection measures. This transparency goes a long way in building trust and reducing anxiety.

5. Making it Difficult to Contact You:

There’s nothing more frustrating than landing on a page with no clear way to get in touch if you have questions or concerns.

Make it easy for potential customers to reach you. Include a prominent contact form, live chat option, or phone number on your landing page.

Respond promptly to inquiries and messages. Show that you value potential customers and are committed to providing excellent support.

Remember: a well-designed landing page should guide your visitors through a seamless and informative journey. 

By proactively addressing their questions and concerns, you can significantly improve conversion rates and turn website visitors into loyal customers.

Avoiding the “Forced Decision” Trap

Think about it: you’ve just landed on a website you’ve never seen before. You’re still trying to figure out what they’re selling, whether it’s trustworthy, and if it even addresses your needs. Then, BAM! A pop-up screams in your face, demanding you “sign up now” or “buy before it’s too late.”

Here’s the thing: people HATE feeling pressured. They want to feel informed, understood, and trusted before they whip out their credit card. 

So, if you’re bombarding them with ultimatums and deadlines, you’re basically saying, “Hey, don’t think about it too hard, just give us your money!” Not exactly the best first impression, right?

So, how do we avoid this “forced decision” trap?

Here are a few tips:

1. Ditch the Scarcity Tactics: Phrases like “limited quantities” and “offer ends soon” might seem persuasive, but they can also backfire. Remember, people are smart. 

They can see through these tactics and it can actually make them less likely to trust you.

2. Focus on Building Trust: Instead of pressuring visitors, focus on providing them with valuable information and building trust. 

Offer helpful content, answer their FAQs, and showcase testimonials from happy customers.

3. Use Clear and Concise Language: Avoid using jargon and technical terms that your audience might not understand. 

Use simple, everyday language that is easy to read and digest.

4. Make it Easy for Visitors to Learn More: Include links to relevant pages, case studies, and blog posts that further explain your product or service. Give them the opportunity to explore at their own pace.

5. Offer Multiple Call to Actions (CTAs): Don’t just have one “buy now” button. Instead, offer a variety of CTAs that cater to different stages of the buyer’s journey. 

This could include things like “download our free guide,” “sign up for a free trial,” or “contact us for a consultation.”

6. Respect Your Visitors’ Time: Don’t force them to scroll through endless content or fill out lengthy forms. Get straight to the point and make it easy for them to take the next step.

Here are some real examples to illustrate these points:

❌ Example of a Forced Decision:

Headline: “Limited Time Offer! Get 50% off our best-selling product! But hurry, this offer expires in 24 hours!”

CTA: “Buy Now or Miss Out!”

Why it’s wrong: This message is all about scarcity and pressure, and it doesn’t give the visitor any time to learn more about the product or make an informed decision.

✅ Example of a User-Centric Landing Page:

Headline: “The Ultimate Guide to [Your Topic]”

Subhead: “Learn everything you need to know about [Your Topic] and how our product can help you.”

Content: A well-written article that provides valuable information and addresses the visitor’s pain points.

CTAs: “Download the Free Guide,” “Schedule a Free Consultation,” “Learn More About Our Product.”

Why it’s right: This landing page focuses on providing value and building trust, rather than pressuring the visitor. It gives them the information they need to make an informed decision on their own terms.

Here are some data points to back up these claims:

  • 75% of consumers distrust brands that pressure them to buy. (Source: HubSpot)
  • Landing pages with multiple CTAs convert 60% higher than those with only one CTA. (Source: Marketing Experiments)
  • Websites that load in less than 3 seconds have higher conversion rates. (Source: Google)

Neglecting A/B Testing

The Big No-No: Neglecting A/B Testing

Let’s be honest, nobody gets everything right the first time. That’s why A/B testing is your best friend when it comes to landing pages. 

It allows you to test different variations of your page and see which one performs better with your audience.

Think about it like this: you wouldn’t wear the same outfit to every single occasion, right? Your landing page shouldn’t be any different. A/B testing helps you find the perfect outfit for your audience, the one that makes them say “I do” to your offer.

But hey, I thought I designed the perfect landing page!

Hold your horses there. Just because you think your landing page is perfect doesn’t mean it’s perfect for your audience. Remember, you’re not designing for yourself, you’re designing for them.

A/B testing helps you remove the guesswork and rely on cold, hard data. It shows you what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to make data-driven decisions that actually impact your bottom line.

Landing Page Mistakes You’ll Want to Avoid:

Ignoring A/B Testing: This is the cardinal sin of landing page optimization. You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint, so don’t build your landing page without A/B testing.

Testing the wrong things: Not all landing page elements are created equal. Focus on testing elements that have the biggest impact on conversion, such as your headline, call to action, and visuals.

Not running tests long enough: You need to give your tests enough time to collect statistically significant data. Don’t pull the plug on a test too soon, or you might miss valuable insights.

Ignoring the results: A/B testing isn’t magic. Once you have your results, you need to analyze them and make the necessary changes to your landing page.

Not testing enough variations: Don’t limit yourself to just two variations. The more variations you test, the more likely you are to find a winner.

Examples of A/B Testing Success:

  1. HubSpot increased their landing page conversion rate by 30% by simply changing the color of their call to action button.
  2. Unbounce increased their conversion rate by 40% by adding a video to their landing page.
  3. Crazy Egg increased their conversion rate by 21% by adding a social proof widget to their landing page.

Remember, A/B testing is a journey, not a destination. It’s a continuous process of learning and improvement. 

By avoiding these mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to creating landing pages that convert like crazy.

Lack of a Clear Value Proposition

So, why is it so important?

Imagine wandering into a store with no idea what they sell. You’re lost, confused, and not sure where to start. That’s exactly how your visitors feel when they land on a page with no clear value proposition. 

They get lost, click away, and you lose a potential customer.

Here are the top landing page mistakes to avoid when it comes to your value proposition:

Mistake #1: The “Me, Me, Me” Manifesto

Focusing solely on yourself and your company is a surefire way to turn visitors off. Instead, turn the spotlight on them. 

  • What are their pain points? 
  • What problems do they face? 
  • How can your product or service solve those problems and make their lives better?

Mistake #2: The “Features Galore” Trap

Sure, your product has amazing features, but don’t just list them like a grocery list. Focus on the benefits those features offer and how they translate into real value for your audience.

Mistake #3: The “Buzzword Bonanza”

Jargon and technical terms might impress you, but they’ll leave your visitors scratching their heads. Use clear, concise language that everyone can understand.

Mistake #4: The “Hidden in Plain Sight” Conundrum

Don’t hide your value proposition under a pile of text or bury it somewhere on the page. Make it front and center, bold and clear.

Mistake #5: The “One Size Fits All” Approach

Tailoring your value proposition to your specific audience is crucial. What resonates with one group might be irrelevant to another. 

Segment your audience and create targeted messages that speak directly to their needs.


Landing page for a weight loss program:

Mistake: “Our program uses the latest scientific research and proven techniques to help you lose weight.”

Fix: “Lose up to 15 pounds in 12 weeks and feel confident in your skin again. Our personalized program helps you reach your goals without fad diets or harsh workouts.”

Landing page for an online accounting software:

Mistake: “Our software includes features such as invoicing, expense tracking, and payroll management.”

Fix: “Save time and reduce stress with our easy-to-use accounting software. Get your finances organized and free up your time to focus on what you do best.”

Remember: Your value proposition is the cornerstone of your landing page. Make it clear, concise, and compelling, and watch your conversion rates soar!

  • Unbounce reports that 48% of visitors will leave a website if they don’t find what they’re looking for within 3 seconds. This highlights the importance of a clear and upfront value proposition.
  • Kissmetrics found that landing pages with a strong value proposition can increase conversion rates by as much as 200%. This is a statistic that any business owner can get behind!

Clutter and Confusion: The Landing Page Killers


Visual Overload: Imagine walking into a room packed with furniture, clothes, and knick-knacks. It’s overwhelming, right? That’s what happens when your landing page is crammed with too many images, colors, and text. 

According to a study by HubSpot, 76% of people judge a company’s credibility based on its website design. So, keep things clean, simple, and visually appealing.

Navigation Nightmare: Ever get lost in a maze? Yeah, not fun. The same goes for websites with confusing navigation. 

Make sure your landing page has a clear and easy-to-follow navigation bar. Visitors should be able to find what they’re looking for in just a few clicks. 

A 2020 study by Neil Patel found that 88% of online shoppers will leave a website if they can’t find what they’re looking for within 3 seconds.

Hidden Calls to Action (CTAs): Your CTA is like the “buy now” button at the store. It’s what tells visitors what you want them to do next. 

Don’t bury your CTAs under mountains of text or hide them in obscure corners. Make them clear, concise, and visually distinct. 

Remember, the average attention span online is only 8 seconds, so make those seconds count!

Content Overload: Think of your landing page like a conversation, not a lecture. Don’t bombard visitors with text-heavy paragraphs and jargon-filled sentences. 

Keep your content concise, clear, and to the point. Focus on the benefits of your product or service and use strong visuals to break up the text. 

A study by the Nielsen Norman Group found that people are more likely to read online content that is broken up into short, scannable sections.

Examples: Landing Page Clutter in Action

Example 1: Imagine you’re looking for a new pair of shoes. You land on a website with a slideshow of 50 different shoes, flashing colors and text, and a navigation bar with 15 different categories. Feeling overwhelmed?

Example 2: You’re trying to sign up for a free trial of a new software. You scroll through pages of text, trying to find the sign-up button. But wait, is it that small link in the corner? Or the one in the middle of the page? By the time you find it, you’ve lost interest.

Landing Page Clutter Solutions: Making it Easy & Inviting


Focus on the Essential: What’s the one thing you want visitors to do on your landing page? Sign up for a newsletter? Download a white paper? Buy a product? Once you know your goal, tailor your content and design to achieve it.

Use Visual Hierarchy: Guide visitors’ eyes to the most important information using size, color, and placement. 

Your headline should be the biggest and boldest, followed by your CTA and supporting content.

Whitespace is Your Friend: Don’t be afraid to leave some empty space around your elements. It makes the page look more organized and easier to read.

Test, Test, Test: Don’t assume you know what works best for your audience. A/B test different versions of your landing page to see what resonates best.

In summary, a well-designed landing page guides your visitors through a seamless journey, answering their questions, and providing them with a clear path to take the next step. 

So, go ahead, optimize your landing page, and watch your conversions soar!