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10 primary factors to investigate when your landing page isn't converting

If your landing page isn’t converting visitors into leads or customers, it’s crucial to identify the underlying issues. 

Here are 10 primary factors to investigate –

1. Relevance:

  1. Is your landing page relevant to the ad or traffic source that brought visitors?
  2. Does the headline and opening message clearly communicate the value proposition?
  3. Does the content address the specific needs and pain points of your target audience?

47% of visitors leave a website because the content isn’t relevant to their search (HubSpot).

50% of website visitors will leave within 10 seconds if they don’t find what they’re looking for. (Source: Pingdom)

Landing pages that align with user intent can see a 50% increase in conversion rates. (Source: Unbounce)

2. User Experience (UX):

A smooth UX promotes user satisfaction, leading to higher conversion rates and repeat visits.

  1. Is the landing page visually appealing and easy to navigate?
  2. Is the layout intuitive and optimized for mobile devices?
  3. Is the page load speed fast enough?
  4. Are there any broken links or technical errors?

88% of online shoppers won’t return to a website after a bad experience (SaleCycle).

First impressions are crucial. 94% of people will form a negative opinion of a website based solely on its design. (Source: HubSpot)

Mobile users account for 54% of all web traffic. (Source: Statista)

A 1-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% decrease in conversions. (Source: Google)\

3. Value Proposition:

A clearly communicated value proposition highlights the benefits and addresses pain points, compelling visitors to take the desired action.

  1. Is your offer clear, concise, and compelling?
  2. Do you clearly articulate the benefits your product or service provides?
  3. Are you using strong calls to action (CTAs) that tell visitors what you want them to do next?

71% of B2B buyers say they want a clear and concise value proposition before making a purchase (DemandGen Report).

80% of website visitors are more likely to convert if they can see a clear value proposition. (Source: MarketingExperiments)

Landing pages with specific offers are 12x more likely to convert than those with generic offers. (Source: HubSpot)

52% of website visitors say that the most important factor in deciding whether or not to make a purchase is clear information about the product or service being offered. (Source: ConversionXL)

4. Credibility:

Building trust increases conversion rates by assuring visitors that your product or service is reliable and trustworthy.

  1. Do you have social proof, such as testimonials, case studies, or logos of reputable clients?
  2. Do you display trust signals, such as security badges or privacy policies?
  3. Are you a recognized authority in your industry?

85% of consumers say they are more likely to trust a company with social proof, such as testimonials or case studies. (Source: BrightLocal)

92% of consumers say they are more likely to trust a business with online reviews (BrightLocal).

92% of consumers are more likely to trust a brand after reading a trusted review. (Source: BrightLocal)

Including logos of reputable clients can increase conversions by 70%. (Source: Sumo)

60% of users say security badges are important when making online purchases. (Source: Baymard Institute)

5. Messaging:

Targeted messaging resonates with your audience, making your offer seem relevant and valuable.

  1. Are you using the right language and tone to resonate with your target audience?
  2. Are your messages free of jargon and easy to understand?
  3. Are you addressing the specific objections or concerns your audience might have?

60% of online shoppers say they are more likely to make a purchase if the content speaks directly to their needs (Demand Metric).

Using the right words can make a big difference. Personalized messages can increase conversion rates by 5-15%. (Source: Experian)

Avoiding jargon and technical terminology can make your message more accessible to a wider audience. (Source: Nielsen Norman Group)

Addressing customer objections directly can increase conversions by 74%. (Source: HubSpot)

6. Targeting:

Targeting the right audience ensures your message reaches those most likely to convert, maximizing the impact of your landing page.

  1. Are you targeting the right audience with your landing page?
  2. Are you using the right keywords and ad copy to attract qualified leads?
  3. Are you segmenting your audience and tailoring your messaging accordingly?

76% of marketers who segment their email lists see higher engagement rates (Campaign Monitor).

Targeted landing pages can convert 2x better than generic landing pages. (Source: HubSpot)

57% of marketers say that segmenting their audience and tailoring their messaging accordingly leads to a higher ROI. (Source: Marketo)

7. Design:

An attractive and professional design creates a positive impression, making visitors more likely to engage with your offer.

  1. Is your landing page visually appealing and professionally designed?
  2. Are you using high-quality images and videos?
  3. Does the design conform to current design trends and best practices?

38% of visitors will leave a website if the design is unattractive or difficult to use. (Source: HubSpot)

Using high-quality images and videos can boost conversion rates by 30%. (Source: Unbounce)

Landing pages that incorporate white space and clean layouts are more likely to convert. (Source: Nielsen Norman Group)

8. Call to Action (CTA):

A clear and compelling CTA tells visitors what you want them to do next, guiding them towards conversion

  1. Are your CTAs clear, concise, and easy to find?
  2. Are you using the right verbs and action words?
  3. Are your CTAs visually appealing and designed to stand out?

Including a clear CTA can increase conversion rates by 202%. (Source: CTA Conference)

Using strong action verbs can make your CTAs more effective. (Source: HubSpot)

CTAs that stand out visually are more likely to be clicked. (Source: Unbounce)

9. Testing:

Testing multiple versions of your landing page helps you identify what works best and optimize your performance for maximum conversions.

  1. Have you tested different versions of your landing page to see what works best?
  2. Are you using A/B testing to optimize your conversion rate?
  3. Are you tracking and analyzing your landing page data to identify areas for improvement?

48% of marketers say that A/B testing their landing pages has led to a significant increase in conversion rate. (Source: WordStream)

Testing different versions of your CTA can increase clicks by 232%. (Source: HubSpot)

Companies that A/B test their landing pages see a 40% increase in conversions (Visual Website Optimizer).

10. Analytics:

Analytics data provides valuable insights into visitor behavior and helps you identify areas where your landing page needs improvement, empowering data-driven decision-making.

  1. Are you using analytics tools to track how visitors are interacting with your landing page?
  2. Are you monitoring key metrics, such as conversion rate, bounce rate, and click-through rate?
  3. Are you using your data to make data-driven decisions about your landing page optimization?

55% of companies say data-driven decisions have a significant impact on their marketing success (Forrester Research).

Tracking key metrics like conversion rate, bounce rate, and click-through rate helps you identify areas for improvement. (Source: Google Analytics)

Regularly analyzing your data is essential for optimizing your landing page performance. (Source: Unbounce)

So, there you have it! We’ve explored 10 primary factors that can make or break your landing page conversion rates. 

By examining and improving these aspects, you can boost your landing page’s performance and turn more visitors into happy customers. 

Keep testing, keep analyzing, and keep optimizing, and you’ll be well on your way to landing page success. Good luck!